Source code for trio_serial.abstract

# Public interface of trio-serial.
# (C) 2020 Jörn Heissler

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

Public interface of trio-serial. Modules implement the OS specific parts.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import ByteString, Optional

import trio.lowlevel
from trio._util import ConflictDetector
from import Stream

[docs] class Parity(Enum): """ Enumeration of parity types. """ #: No parity NONE = auto() #: Even parity EVEN = auto() #: Odd parity ODD = auto() #: Parity bit always 1 MARK = auto() #: Parity bit always 0 SPACE = auto()
[docs] class StopBits(Enum): """ Enumeration of stop bit lengths. """ #: One bit ONE = auto() #: One and a half bits ONE_POINT_FIVE = auto() #: Two bits TWO = auto()
[docs] class AbstractSerialStream(Stream, ABC): """ Operating system independant public interface of :py:class:`SerialStream`. """ # Name of port, e.g. "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "COM7" _port: str # Lock for exclusive use _exclusive: bool # Baudrate, e.g. 115200 or 9600 _baudrate: int # Bits per byte _bytesize: int # Parity _parity: Parity # Number of stop bits _stopbits: StopBits # Software Flow Control _xonxoff: bool # Hardware Flow Control _rtscts: bool # Guard against parallel recv or send on the port. _recv_conflict_detector: ConflictDetector _send_conflict_detector: ConflictDetector def __init__( self, port: str, *, exclusive: bool = False, baudrate: int = 115200, bytesize: int = 8, parity: Parity = Parity.NONE, stopbits: StopBits = StopBits.ONE, xonxoff: bool = False, rtscts: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Create new SerialStream object. Args: port: Name of port. Format depends on implementation. This could be "/dev/ttyUSB0" on Linux or "COM7" on Windows. exclusive: Lock port for exclusive use baudrate: Initial Port speed bytesize: Number of bits per byte parity: Parity stopbits: Number of stop bits xonxoff: Software Flow Control with XON/XOFF rtscts: Hardware Flow Control with RTS/CTS """ self._port = port self._exclusive = exclusive self._baudrate = baudrate self._bytesize = bytesize self._parity = parity self._stopbits = stopbits self._xonxoff = xonxoff self._rtscts = rtscts self._recv_conflict_detector = ConflictDetector( "Another task is currently sending data on this SerialStream" ) self._send_conflict_detector = ConflictDetector( "Another task is currently receiving data on this SerialStream" ) async def __aenter__(self) -> AbstractSerialStream: """ Enter the async context manager, open the port. __aexit__ is inherited from the super class. Returns: self """ await self.aopen() return self def __del__(self) -> None: """ Destructor. Closes the port if still open. """ self._close() @property def port(self) -> str: """ Get the port name. Returns: port name or device """ return self._port
[docs] @abstractmethod async def aclose(self) -> None: """ Cleanly close the port. Do nothing if already closed. """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def aopen(self) -> None: """ Open the port and configure it with the initial state from :py:meth:`__init__`. """
@abstractmethod def _close(self) -> None: """ Close the port as fast as possible, even if closing it quick+dirty. Do not use this method directly. Instead use :py:meth:`aclose` or the async context manager. Do nothing if already closed. """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def discard_input(self) -> None: """ Discard any unread input. """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def discard_output(self) -> None: """ Discard any unwritten output. """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def send_break(self, duration: float = 0.25) -> None: """ Transmit a continuous stream of zero-valued bits for a specific duration. Params: duration: Number of seconds """
[docs] async def receive_some(self, max_bytes: Optional[int] = None) -> bytes: """ Receive some bytes from the serial port. Args: max_bytes: Maximum number of bytes to receive. Returns: On success, between 1 and :py:obj:`max_bytes` bytes. On End-of-file (e.g. serial port is gone) an empty bytes object is returned. """ with self._recv_conflict_detector: return bytes(await self._recv(max_bytes))
[docs] async def send_all(self, data: ByteString) -> None: """ Send :py:obj:`data` to the serial port. Args: data: Data to send """ with self._send_conflict_detector: with memoryview(data) as data: if not data: await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint() total_sent = 0 while total_sent < len(data): await self._wait_writable() with data[total_sent:] as remaining: sent = await self._send(remaining) total_sent += sent
[docs] async def wait_send_all_might_not_block(self) -> None: """ Wait until sending might not block (it still might block). """ with self._send_conflict_detector: await self._wait_writable()
[docs] @abstractmethod async def get_cts(self) -> bool: """ Retrieve current *Clear To Send* state. Returns: Current CTS state """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def get_rts(self) -> bool: """ Retrieve current *Ready To Send* state. Returns: Current RTS state """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def set_rts(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set *Ready To Send* state. Args: value: New *Ready To Send* state """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def get_hangup(self) -> bool: """ Retrieve current *Hangup on Close* state. Returns: Current *Hangup on Close* state """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def set_hangup(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set *Hangup on Close* state. Args: value: New *Hangup on Close* state """
@abstractmethod async def _recv(self, max_bytes: Optional[int]) -> ByteString: """ Retrieve up to :py:obj:`max_bytes` bytes from the serial port. This function may return zero bytes, but it still MUST try to block until data is actually available. Returns: Received data """ @abstractmethod async def _wait_writable(self) -> None: """ Wait until serial port is writable. """ @abstractmethod async def _send(self, data: memoryview) -> int: """ Send :py:obj:`data` to the serial port. Partial writes are allowed. Args: data: Bytes to write. Returns: Number of bytes actually written. """